You can make the difference!

Choices and wrong turns are made, as the day goes and the sun fades.
People are loved and hearts are broken, as the day goes and words are spoken.
Smiles and frowns are shown on faces, as the day goes and children play in open spaces.
Happiness and sadness are felt by all, as the day goes and night falls.
Tears of joy and tears of pain are shed, as the day goes and all are in bed.

Learn from Mistakes

Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.”

Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”

Choose to be happy, Choose to feel great,
Choose not to let things make you irate.

I know that some people are not feeling great,
And I know that some people just know how to hate.
And I wish that all people could be healthy and strong,
And I wish that all people would just get along.

If wands could be waved,  and the world would be cured,
I’d wave that big wand, you can be assured.
But I’ll do what I can every day I am here,
And try to remember “the good,” year to year.

And I choose to be happy, And I choose to feel great,
And I choose not to let things make me irate!

Because !!!!

One song can spark a moment,

One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what’s true,

One life can make a difference, You see, it’s up to you!!!!
