What we believe cannot be true


Growing up waiting for rain to stop,
I wish whole day to play and hop.
Books, studies were so delusive,
People say knowledge is expensive.

It was for me for rest of my life,
i paid my freedom and joyous to re-build myself.
As i grew young, things turmoiled more in my head,
To hang out with friends and chat like a nerd.
Girl next door was like a horizon to grab,
Friends break out all time to hide my crib.
Tomorrow would be a bright day,
I use to think before i sleep.
It never been the way i thought,
no matter where sun rises and how day starts.
Now, i stand to think all days,
it's just a memory and smile on my face.
Though i've moved on to a new station,
but the fight is still on and facing same reactions.
Bewildered sense and unknown desires,
still we fight and live what we aspires.
A belief to be like my father when i grow old,
I still remain the stubborn kid,
With many wounds from luck and story unfold.
A day to be as caring as my mother,
But i will make kids nothing but a smuther.
With love things change around they say;
But for her i've become a reason to be dismay.
Hope i will compete with the run away of my life,
Coz' Till now what i believed wasn't true in my life.


  1. Hi! I simply wanted to state that you really succeeded in creating a splendid site. I also would like to ask you something that is connected with this blog. Do you have plans to write as a professional or owning a blog is only a hobby of yours?

  2. Surely allan, I would one day be a writer for sure!!!!
    just luking fr right oportnity!!!


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